Category Archives: LIchen



The choices we make reflect our perception of change, rather than its substance.

I am changing my habit of posting several times a week down to once per week.  My “About” home page has been edited to reflect why this is.  Click to find out.

Bangs Photo Journey

My camp resides in a postage stamp sized grassy environment.  These grasses cover much of the island with a density that makes exploring without adequate protective clothing impossible.  The tree population is 90% deciduous scattered about in small stands.  There are no trails here.  I’m glad as there are few islands in the bay devoid of human intrusion.

Reminder:  Click on Any photo for full-screen.

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Euproctis chrysorrhoea Brown Tail Moth

There is a Brown ail Moth Caterpillar near the tent.   The are limited to the coast of Maine and Cape Cod at this time but once covered much of New England.  This moth is oh so not nice as its larva eats voraciously, defoliating trees and shrubs and the caterpillar has poisonous microscopic hairs.  Contact with these hairs cause a poison ivy type rash that may last from a few days to several weeks.  It can become a full-blown dangerous allergic reaction in some people.  Their nexts are built at the ends of branches rather than in the croch like gypsy moth. Click for source and more information.


Altocumulous perlucidus

Altocumulous perlucidus

The sky is changing from mostly clear to cloudy.  These clouds are Altocumulus perlucidus which are a mid-level cloud forming at heights from 1.2 to 4.5 miles above sea level.  Height is determined by the severity of atmospheric disturbance.  They are formed by the accumulation of moisture and air that is forced high enough for the clouds to form.  The heating of the ocean provide the moisture in this case and the upward movement of air is most likely due to convection.  The perlucidus version of altocumulous clouds indicate a change in weather within six to eight hours.  VHF does call for deteriorating weather and rain in the evening.  Click on any of following for resource and info.  Clouds online   Names of Clouds   WeatherOnline

I head over to my dry clothing and gear, stuff it in a bag once more, carry it back to camp and put each item in its place which is mostly in the cockpit, sealed under my dive flag “cover.”  Camera in hand I walk to what’s left of my sandless beach to capture a few more scenes and plants before hiking up over the cliffs toward the south as far as possible to grab a few more photos.  This shouldn’t take long as the cliff exposure is a very short distance before hitting trees, shrubs and brush.  The tide is rising as well which will cut this portion off if I wait much longer.  I’ll take my nap later.

Zoomed in on buoy from cliff.  It’s position and movement indicates current and speed.

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Enjoy the Slide show.

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Alive and Well


Usnea praetervisa

Usnea praetervisa

Snow underfoot
Earsplitting noise
Twigs and branches
In disarray
Unmerciful wind
Loud and Large
But weak to me.